
The Academic Network of Internet Lexicography

[ This page in German ]

The development of the internet as a central medium for data exchange and data searches affects lexicography to a considerable degree. In the last few years, the number of monolingual and multilingual online dictionaries available for many different languages has increased steadily. Online dictionaries are written by individuals, publishers and academic institutions, and they are used in many different situations e.g. in translation. The technical construction and graphic realisation of the different dictionaries vary accordingly.

This has given rise to a whole host of new conceptional and technical requirements as well as new research approaches. In the Academic Network of Internet Lexicography, which is supported by the (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)), the participants (academic lexicographers and researchers from different universities, research institutes and dictionary project) will deal with a number of relevant topics through a series of workshops. The network is concerned not only with German lexicography, but also developments in other languages. The outcomes of the network will influence subsequent publications.

Current issues

• Annette Klosa, Angelika Storrer und Janusz Taborek hosted a symposium on September, 23-25 September 2015, in the context of the 3. Sektionentagung GAL. It focused on valency and collocations. Several networkers attended the conference. The symposium was called Valenz und Kollokation im (digitalen) Wörterbuch and took place at the Europa-Universität Viadrina in Frankfurt (Oder).

• On 11-13 August 2015, the conference Electronic lexicography in the 21st century (eLex 2015) has taken place at Herstmonceux Castle, Sussex, UK. It focused on linking lexical data in the digital age and was attended by several networkers.

• The network hosted a EURALEX-Pre-Conference-Workshop (14. July 2014) with the topic "Was ist ein gutes (Internet-)Wörterbuch? – Alte und neue Fragen zur Qualität lexikographischer Produkte im digitalen Zeitalter". The workshop was organized by Annette Klosa, Christine Möhrs and Angelika Storrer and brought together many network members for a day of discussion. (programm)

• The 6th workshop on the subject "Issues of design and layout of online dictionaries" has taken place on November, 20-22 2013 at the Institut für Deutsche Sprache in Mannheim. A publication with the outcomes of this event is planned.

• On October, 17-19 2013, the conference eLex 2013 - electronic lexicography in the 21st century: thinking outside the paper took place at Tallinn, Estonia. Several networkers attended the conference and Annette Klose gave one of the key notes (on "Internet Lexicography").

• Annette Klosa represented the network and it's work at the 19th Biennial Meeting (Athens, GA; 22.-25. Mai 2013) of the "Dictionary Society of North America".

• The 5th workshop on the subject "Research into dictionary use and user-adaptive access" has taken place on 25. and 26. March 2013 at the Instituut voor Nederlandse Lexicologie, Leiden. The outcomes of this event are published (Preprint).

• The Trierer Kompetenzzentrum für elektronische Erschließungs- und Publikationsverfahren in den Geisteswissenschaften/Center for Digital Humanities has hosted the 4th workshop on the subject of "The lexicographical process in online dictionaries " on 22. and 23. November 2012. A publication with the outcomes of this event is planned.

• Andrea Abel und Annette Klosa have hosted a symposium entitled "Your contribution, please! – The user contribution in the dictionary process" at the GAL-Kongress "Wörter - Wissen - Wörterbücher" in Erlangen (18th to 21st September 2012). A publication with the outcomes of this event will shortly be published.

• The 3rd workshop on the subject of ‘Automatic extraction of lexicographical information’ took place in Bozen at the European Academy of Bozen/Bolzano on 3rd and 4th May 2012. The outcomes of this event together with the Berlin meeting are published in the documentation Vernetzungsstrategien, Zugriffsstrukturen und automatisch ermittelte Angaben in Internetwörterbüchern (ed. Andrea Abel und Lothar Lemnitzer).

• The 2nd workshop on the subject of "Network strategies and access structures" took place in Berlin at the Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften on 5th and 6th December 2011. The outcomes of this event together with the Bolzano meeting are published in the documentation Vernetzungsstrategien, Zugriffsstrukturen und automatisch ermittelte Angaben in Internetwörterbüchern (ed. Andrea Abel und Lothar Lemnitzer).

• The conference eLEX2011 – electronic lexicography in the 21st century took place in Bled (Slovenia) from 10th to 12th November 2011 (Proceedings). Some networkers attended this conference.

• The 1st workshop of the network took place on the 5th and 6th May 2011 in Mannheim at the Institut für Deutsche Sprache. The outcomes of this event are published in the documentation Datenmodellierung für Internetwörterbücher (ed. Annette Klosa and Carolin Müller-Spitzer).