5th Workshop

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Topic: Research into dictionary use and user-adaptive access (25th/26th March 2013, Instituut voor Nederlandse Lexicologie, Leiden)

(Agenda, Preprint publication on the 5th workshop)

(Robert Lew "Opportunities and limitations of user studies"), (Serge Verlinde "Do dictionary users need dictionaries?"), (Carolin Müller-Spitzer "Empirische Daten über Benutzungskontexte bzw. extra-lexikografische Situationen"), (Sven Tarp "The poverty of Lexicography"), (Karin Rautmann "Duden online: Die Nutzer im Fokus"), (short presentation Alexander Geyken "Methode der Logfileanalyse"), (short presentation Carolin Müller-Spitzer "Methode des Eye Tracking"), (short presentation Annette Klosa "Methode der Onlinebefragung"), (short presentation Carolin Müller-Spitzer "Wissen der Lexikografen über die Wörterbuchbenutzer"), (short presentation tanneke Schoonheim/Carole Tiberius "Wissen der Wörterbuchbenutzer über das Wörterbuch"), (short presentation Annette Klosa "Wörterbuchbenutzungsforschung und lexikografischer Prozess")

In the field of traditional print lexicography, it has been claimed time and again that a dictionary must be designed for particular user groups and usage situations (Bergenholtz / Nielsen / Tarp 2009, Wiegand 2001), which is reflected for example in the choice of headwords or lexicographical description. In online dictionaries, the issue of the conceptional integration of user orientation arises in a new way: to what extent can users be defined solely by what they are looking up in the dictionary on a specific occasion? How can a non-user-specific lexicographical resource be used to create access which is adaptable to what the user needs to look up at a specific moment (Müller-Spitzer 2008)? What are the limits of this user-independent and function-independent way of developing a dictionary?

In order to be able to answer such questions, research into the use of online dictionaries is essential. Furthermore, the medium offers the possibility of keeping a log of dictionary use by means of log files. The workshop will be used to present a variety of scenarios and studies on the use of online dictionaries, and to test, through specific examples, the feasibility of user-adaptive access to online dictionaries.


Bergenholtz, Henning / Nielsen, Sandro / Tarp, Sven (eds) (2009): Lexicography at a Crossroads. Dictionaries and Encyclopedias Today, Lexicographical Tools Tomorrow. Peter Lang: Frankfurt a. M. u. a.

Müller-Spitzer, Carolin (2008): Research on Dictionary Use and the Development of User-Adapted Views. In: Storrer, Angelika / Geyken, Alexander / Siebert, Alexander / Würzner, Kay-Michael (eds): Text Resources and Lexical Knowledge. Selected Papers from the Ninth Conference on Natural Language Processing KONVENS 2008, Berlin. de Gruyter: Berlin / New York, S. 39−46.

Wiegand, Herbert Ernst (2001): Was eigentlich sind Wörterbuchfunktionen? Kritische Anmerkungen zur neueren und neuesten Wörterbuchforschung. In: Lexicographica 17, S. 217−248.