2nd Workshop

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Topic: Network strategies and access structures (5th and 6th December, Berlin Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Berlin)

Agenda Publication on the 2nd and 3rd workshop

The networking of lexicographical data on the level of the macro-structure can occur in online dictionaries by means of links between word entries, between different versions of word entries, or information within word entries (Müller-Spitzer 2007). Other websites can be linked to the lexicographical data as well, so that we can talk of “hypermedia-dictionaries” (Storrer 1998) or “vocabulary information systems” (Müller-Spitzer 2003). Eventually, several internet dictionaries are linked together in so-called portals, thereby enabling users to look words up in several dictionaries simultaneously.

This kind of networking can be used in particular with appropriate coding, making it possible to search for particular relations between lexicographical units. Therefore, online dictionaries can offer both semasiological and onomasiological accessibility, as well as conceptional access structures. Furthermore, it enables the internet to present users with the explicitly coded networking of lexicographical data, in such a way that the underlying connections as regards content can be adequately absorbed.

At the workshop, different ways of encoding different types of networking, which is so important for internet dictionaries and their online presentation, will be discussed with the help of contributions on theoretical and practical matters, to show how they can be made useable for different access structures. Eventually, suggestions will be developed as to which information on semasiological and onomasiological connections between lexemes for online dictionaries can be extracted from electronic text corpora.

Guest speakers

Almuth Bedenbender M. A. (Deutsches Rechtswörterbuch Heidelberg) zum Thema "Das Deutsche Rechtswörterbuch im Netz – explizite und implizite Links in, aus und zu DRW Online"

Prof. Dr. Erhard Hinrichs (Universität Tübingen) zum Thema "GermaNet: Anwendungen und Zugriffsstrukturen"

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Gilles-Maurice de Schryver (University of the Western Cape und Ghent University) zum Thema "Access structures in online dictionaries of the languages of Africa"


Müller-Spitzer, Carolin (2003): Ordnende Betrachtungen zu elektronischen Wörterbüchern und lexikographischen Prozessen. In: Lexicographica. Internationales Jahrbuch für Lexikographie 19, pg. 140−168.

Müller-Spitzer, Carolin (2007): Der lexikografische Prozess. Konzeption für die Modellierung der Datenbasis. Gunter Narr: Tübingen. (Studien zur deutschen Sprache. Forschungen des Instituts für Deutsche Sprache 42)

Storrer, Angelika (1998): Hypermedia-Wörterbücher: Perspektiven für eine neue Generation elektronischer Wörterbücher. In: Wiegand, Herbert Ernst (ed.): Wörterbücher in der Diskussion III. Vorträge aus dem Heidelberger Lexikographischen Kolloquium. Max Niemeyer: Tübingen, pg. 106−131.