1st Workshop

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Topic: Data modelling for online dictionaries (5th and 6th May 2011, Institut für Deutsche Sprache, Mannheim)

(agenda 1st workshop, publication on 1st workshop)

In general, data modelling for online dictionaries should take place without reference to any specific medium, so that different dictionaries can be produced in different media using the material from one dictionary. Suitable formats for this are e.g. XML-DTDs or XML-schemes, but also a reticulated modelling in relations and nodes. There are standards relating to dictionary-specific modelling, e.g. the “Lexical Markup Framework for natural language processing (NLP) and machine-readable dictionaries (MRD) and lexicons" (LMF, ISO-24613:2008) or the document format “Text Encoding Initiative", the use of which for the data modelling of online dictionaries is to be discussed.

For electronic dictionaries, the modelling has to satisfy further requirements: the desired mode of access to the data determines how these should be modelled (cf. Gloning / Welter 2001 und Müller-Spitzer 2005). As well as this, you have to consider when modelling that a flexible presentation of search results should be aspired to, depending on the user group or user situation (Storrer 2001). Online dictionaries can realise those flexible opportunities of access and presentation, if, while data modelling, the practicalities of the computer are taken into consideration (de Schryver 2003).

At the workshop, the modelling of different online dictionaries in conception and realisation will be introduced and contrasted with other modelling suggestions, which are independent of concrete dictionary projects . At the same time, advantages and disadvantages of each particular method can be discussed, so that it becomes clear, which forms of data modelling are the most suitable, if flexible modes of access and presentation are to be realised. The aim is also to answer the question of whether the extraction of data from different sources (e.g. electronic text corpora, reference archives) influences how they are modelled.

Guest speakers

Dr. Melina Alexa (Dudenverlag Mannheim): “Modelling of a semantic network for lexicographic applications (using the Duden ontology as an example)”

Dr. Dennis Spohr (Center for Excellence Cognitive Interaction Technology – CITEC / Semantic Computing Group, Universität Bielefeld): “On data modelling or architecture of 'pluri-monofunctional dictionaries'”


Gloning, Thomas / Welter, Rüdiger (2001): Wortschatzarchitektur und elektronische Wörterbücher: Goethes Wortschatz und das Goethe-Wörterbuch. In: Lemberg, Ingrid / Schröder, Bernhard / Storrer, Angelika (eds): Chancen und Perspektiven computergestützter Lexikographie: Hypertext, Internet und SGML/XML für die Produktion und Publikation digitaler Wörterbücher. Max Niemeyer: Tübingen, pg. 117−132.

Klosa, Annette / Müller-Spitzer, Carolin (ed.) (2011): Datenmodellierung für Internetwörterbücher. 1. Arbeitsbericht des wissenschaftlichen Netzwerks „Internetlexikografie“. Mannheim: Institut für Deutsche Sprache. (OPAL - Online publizierte Arbeiten zur Linguistik 2/2011)

Müller-Spitzer, Carolin (2005): Die Modellierung lexikografischer Daten und ihre Rolle im lexikografischen Prozess. In: Haß, Ulrike (ed.): Grundfragen der elektronischen Lexikographie. elexiko − das Online-Informationssystem zum deutschen Wortschatz. de Gruyter: Berlin / New York, pg. 21−54. (Schriften des Instituts für Deutsche Sprache 12)

de Schryver, Gilles-Maurice (2003): Lexicographers' Dreams in the Electronic-Dictionary Age. In: International Journal of Lexicography 16 / 2, pg. 143−199.

Storrer, Angelika (2001): Digitale Wörterbücher als Hypertexte: Zur Nutzung des Hypertextkonzepts in der Lexikographie. In: Lemberg, Ingrid / Schröder, Bernhard / Storrer, Angelika (eds): Chancen und Perspektiven computergestützter Lexikographie: Hypertext, Internet und SGML/XML für die Produktion und Publikation digitaler Wörterbücher. Max Niemeyer: Tübingen, pg. 53−69.